ADM XI, 2015- ongoing

RYBN.ORG, ADM XI, 2015 - en cours
RYBN.ORG, ADM XI, 2015 - en cours

ADM XI is the final project of the trilogy Antidatamining series, initiated in 2006. Its main goal is to challenge the neoclassical economics dogma by presenting artists’ vision and know-how to create innovative and counter-intuitive strategies of investment and speculation work on trading algorithms. The online collection consists of ten different projects that present heretic, irrational and experimental trading algorithms, operating and competing in a marketplace provided by RYBN.ORG. In this world benefits are no longer driven by prices and other economic instruments, but rather, by living organisms, esoteric mathematical formulas, numerological rules, or supernatural phenomena. Following their own non-commercial and obsessive logic, some algorithms attempt to produce a total and irreversible chaos, while others try to influence the market prices to make it look like a given geometrical shape, while others tries to saturate the market with non human affects. Inspired by the ‘Fabulatory Epistemology’ of Louis Bec and Vilem Flusser, high-frequency networked finance and its algorithmic transformation process, and the concept of ‘Algorithmic Governmentality’, the website is presented as a research platform for algorithmic trading engineering. The site documents all the uncanny strategies in great detail mimicking the systems and aesthetics of geometrical and botanical practices, such as, logical diagrams, classification, operational patterns, and textual descriptions. Similar to real life financial trading, the audience can track the behaviour of each algorithm in the monitoring system. As a net-based project ADM XI shows how an artwork is not necessarily a one-person affair, but can proliferate as a network.
Projects by: b01, Brendan Howell, Martin Howse, Nicolas Montgermont, Horia Cosmin Samoila, Antoine Schmitt, Marc Swynghedauw, Suzanne Treister.

Oevre: http://rybn.org/ANTI/ADMXI/
Artiste: http://rybn.org