Till Langschied
Graphics-Incantation-Formats, 2021

In Till Langenscheid’s Net Encounters contribution, the artist’s performance avatar Till Tumaroh invites us to see the internet as a magically charged world, abundant with its own stories and myths.
Till Langschied on his work:
“The digital time-traveller Tumaroh discovers ‘Graphics-Incantation-Formats’ – G-I-F for short – in the early days of the internet. He finds out that these gif animations carry a secret power when an internet user receives a gif, which is meant for them, and saves it on their computer.”
To enable Net Encounter visitors to obtain their gif from one of the eight “Graphics-Incantation Formats”, Tumaroh has programmed a Selecter AR app, accessible via Instagram or Facebook. By tapping on the starter graphic, one is assigned a gif. This can be documented on Instagram and Facebook as a video or photo. Afterwards, the user can contact Till Langschied or the HEK via Instagram or Facebook with their photo or video recording from the app or post a story on the respective platform, tagging Langschied and the HEK. Upon this, they receive the corresponding gif as an original file, as well as a digital magazine with more information about the “Graphics-Incantation-Formats”, with an illustrated history of their discovery and their magic. In a live online performance, Tumaroh also assigns gifs to the visitors present and answers questions about the myths of the internet.
Till Langschied is a German visual artist, who lives in Basel and works in various media. Originally from Frankfurt am Main, he studied at AMD Düsseldorf and with Chus Martinez at the Institut Kunst HGK in Basel, where he graduated in Fine Arts in 2019. Langschied’s artistic research focuses on humanity’s longings and dreams, and how these are projected onto an “other” – namely technology and nature. His work explores the ever-evolving relationships between virtual and analogue spaces. Operating at the boundaries of these realms, many of his works are developed in digital formats and then transformed into physical objects and installations, hence questioning the agency of the virtual. Within his practice, Langschied developed the performance character Till Tumaroh, who serves as his avatar on various levels within his work. Tumaroh’s written manifesto was published by Éditions Extensibles, Paris, and was performed as a live talk at the Librairie du Palais de Tokyo in Paris and Dampfzentrale in Bern. Langschied’s work has been exhibited internationally, including Kunstraum Niederösterreich (Vienna, 2020), Haus der elektronischen Künste Basel (Münchenstein, 2019), Au Lieu (Paris, 2019), Kunstverein Freiburg (2019) and Binz 39 (Zurich, 2019). In 2020 he was invited for the Lago Mio Residency in Lugano, Switzerland, and in 2021 Pro Helvetia awarded him a residency in China.
Year: 2021
Type: AR-App
Artwork: https://www.facebook.com/fbcameraeffects/tryit/409629776938802/
Artist: https://till-langschied.de
Net Encounters was generously supported by the Swiss cultural foundation Pro Helvetia.