
Predictive Art Bot (IV), 2015-2018

Every four hours, seven days a week, the collective Predictive Art Bot offers to human perspicacity a new concept, original, impertinent, silly, indeed actual. It invites other artists, via its Twitter account (@predartbot), to appropriate these associations of ideas, to interpret them and why not transform them into works of art. To do so, this algorithm combines current affairs and contemporary issues in order to foresee, in a randomised fashion, new trends at the intersection between the various domains of art, activism, economics, medicine and further transhumanism. This approach, which integrates chance and interpretation within its functioning principle, is not unlike the surrealists’ cadavres exquis or Bryon Gysin and William Burroughs’ cut-ups. With this project, Nicolas Maigret, Maria Roszkowska and Jérôme Saint-Clair lead us to examine our process of inspiration and our collaboration with “intelligent agents”, which are ever more involved in our choices and decisions.

Artwork: https://predictiveartbot.com
Artists: http://disnovation.org