!Mediengruppe Bitnik (Carmen Weisskopf, Domagoj Smoljo)

Random Darknet Shopper, 2014 – ongoing

!Mediengruppe Bitnik , Random Darknet Shopper, 2014 - ongoing
!Mediengruppe Bitnik , Random Darknet Shopper, 2014 - ongoing

!Mediengruppe Bitnik's Random Darknet Shopper automatically bought a random item on one of the darknet's notorious marketplaces. The work, executed in a catchy way (promptly causing a big stir in mass media) is not only a convincing duplication of the thrill of the darknet. It creates through the bot and entitiy without identity and thus adds a layer to questions of anonymity and privacy online. It provided an insight for outsiders at the cost of breaking a trust system. The work's core goes way beyond the darknet though: it raises questions on the consequences caused by the execution of code. Who is acting, and who is responsible?

Artwork: https://wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.bitnik.org/r/