On the challenges of preserving digital art

Sabine Himmelsbach and Claudia Röck held a full-day seminar on Media Art - Curating and Preservation on 26.01.2018 at HEK as part of the continuing education course in Advanced Studies in Applied Art Science, Materials and Techniques at the Swiss Institute of Art History (SIK).
HEK (House of Electronic Arts) collects material and above all immaterial works of art that it preserves, researches, publicises and exhibits. The collection mainly includes works by Swiss artists. HEK distinguishes itself through its unique collection, which focuses on born-digital-art, that is art that is created and located in the digital medium and often has no physical manifestation. There are only a few institutions worldwide that collect digital media art. Here lies the specific focus of HEK, which with its collection shows the development of media art in Switzerland and at the same time takes into account that the central digital artistic works will be preserved for the future.
The contribution Conservation of Media Art - Processes, Challenges and Practical Applications of HEK’s conservator Claudia Roeck is now available to the public.