Wed & Fri: 12-6pm; Thu: 12-8pm; Sat & Sun: 12-5pm (´・ᴗ・ ` ) Effective immediately: New opening hours (*´︶`*)
Wed & Fri: 12-6pm; Thu: 12-8pm; Sat & Sun: 12-5pm (.❛ ᴗ ❛.) Effective immediately: New opening hours ( *ˊᵕˋ* )

Denis Handschin / Michel Winterberg

Michel Winterberg (* 1972), Basel, Switzerland

Denis Handschin (* 1981), Visp, Switzerland, both artists live and work in Basel.

Michel Winterberg and Denis Handschin alternate between working together and alone. Their artistic efforts include interactive installations and mixed-media, video and sound installations, as well as performance and conceptual projects. As a media artist, Michel Winterberg also programs real-time development environments, making use of physical computing and producing electronic sound designs. Denis Handschin addresses such issues as absence/presence and the impact of today’s constant overstimulation.