TechBrunch x MAKEAWARE!: Perturbant Fluids

Sun, 15.09.2024, 12:0014:45

Chatbots, cybersecurity, quantum computers, NFTs - do you want to know what's behind these technologies and how you can use them creatively? Then TechBrunch is just the thing for you! This time we are collaborating with MAKEAWARE! to explore the microworld of body fluids, specifically tears.


Science is a powerful tool capable of building imaginaries and languages, both recognising our interdependencies and transforming our understanding of reality. The workshop aims to involve people in training looks and gestures to explore the microworld of our bodies in a context where the boundaries between protocols and rituals are not clear.
Through an artistic and immersive experience in analysing our own tears, we will create a shared repository of images of crystallisation and explore different interpretations of pattern promoting collaborative inquiry practices.

The workshop is led by the activist Zoe Romano, as part of the OBOT (Our Bodies Our Tech) project - a nomadic wetlab developed by the artistic duo Zoe Romano and Maddalena Fragnito that has been working since 2020 on science and technology from a queer trans-feminist perspective.

«Perturbant Fluids» is part of the MAKEAWARE! initiative by SPEARHEAD, whose aim is to limit the development of antibiotic resistance. Antibiotic resistance is indeed one of the next health challenges, already affecting the lives of all of us. The project involves several Swiss partners and SUPSI - the University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland - is taking care of promoting a conscious use of antibiotics to limit the development of resistance by involving citizens in different workshops and research activities.

More info on the project: https://spearhead-amr.github.i...
